The Account Pro is dedicated to any professional who wants to register his business on Megavina. An Account Travel is only dedicated to traveler, to earn gifts and share photos and experience.

If you registered on, you noticed that your rank level was very important to appear on the top of the pages, but also on the right side of the pages (Event).

Your rank is based on your popularity but also it depends of the score you received by our investigators.

For example if you receive a score of 7.98/10, your rank will be 79 points. Each time a traveler likes your page, you get +1 points, when you share, like or comment our articles on facebook you receive also many points. When an insider leaves a comment concerning your establishment, you also receive points.

That's why some establishments with a score of 7/10 can appear on top of the list in their category. They are more popular than other establishments and received more supports from travelers and insiders. Popular pages received more visibility from Megavina.

Firstly you need to create an account on Megavina Pro, it takes less than 2 minutes

We offer different packs and options, if you don't have a service business (i.e. Medical, transport, culture...), we can use our bespoke form to get a custom-made quote

If you need informations, do not hesitate to contact us by skype: megavinavietnam, we can answer you in english, vietnamese and french

When you advertise your activity on Megavina, you decided to work with a friendly and professional Travel and Tourism team who will spend many hours to create a useful, clever and efficient advert for your hotel, restaurant, shop or any service business

We are working with tourism experts and insiders who have over a decade of experience in the catering and hospitality industry. They are able to prepare Catering and Hospitality reports, Mystery guest services and objective reviews for your establishment.

We use the latest analysis and service checking tools

Our consultants structure each new project with you

Our services are anonymous for your staff and your client, experts will visit your establishment like a normal customer, he can be alone, in couple, family or group.

You can structure specific questionnaire, test and scenario criteria for the "Mystery Guest Option"

You can receive all your test results within 24 hours after the visitation

Because your business is unique, your page will be also unique

We offer 5 different languages online, we are working with native translators if you need translations.

To get a score and a professional review, we have to send a tourism expert in your establishment to test your services

This service is an option available, you just have to ask for a quote

It depends of the service you asked for!

If you chose basic options, after payment, it could take a few hours to get a page online

If you selected a tourism expertise in 6 languages and a mystery guest option, it will take a few days, time to send an expert in your establishment, test your services and write a review

Mystery Guest service gives your business the advantage of discreet and professional self-appraisal for all your services. If you are concerned about how your staff addresses your customers or even what the catering and hospitality industry standards are, Megavina can create specific strategies to test your company’s overall standing. We can draw statistical comparisons to your nearest competitors or even gauge your performance against the industry average.

Improve your service levels

Check your staff performance, how they deal with your clients?

Increase your sales figures

Stimulate business growth

Survey your competitors

You are interested by this service, get a quote today!

When you register, you can select to appear online in 1 language, for example English but you can also appear in French, Vietnamese, Chinese or Japanese.

We offer 2 different services:

- You send us all your texts in different languages

-We translate for you in the languages you want

Yes we do. We offer many tours on, we are working with different companies to be able to propose tours in different cities. If you are interested to work with us,please contact us by skype (megavinavietnam)